SPEXone Dark Stability

Dark measurements are performed during eclipse, mostly outside the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA), with the detector in Diagnostic mode (full-frame) and Science mode (binned). For the stability analysis, all measurements performed during one day are averaged and the unbiased standard deviation (uncertainty) is determined. In the trend plots, the detector average are shown as a function of time. The relevant instrument settings are listed below. The results of the dark algorithm are also used in pixel-quality analysis.

MPS ID Mode Texp [ms] Co-additions Repetitions
46 Science 60 5 28
47 Science 64 5 28
132 Diagnostic 0.4 32 4
162 Diagnostic 60 32 4
163 Diagnostic 64 32 4
187 Diagnostic 6000 16 2


SPEXone is being developed by a Dutch consortium consisting of SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research (SRON) and Airbus Defence and Space Netherlands (Airbus DS NL), supported by optical expertise from the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO). SRON and Airbus DS NL are responsible for the design, manufacturing and testing of the instrument. The scientific lead is in the hands of SRON. SPEXone is a public-private initiative funded by the Netherlands Space Office (NSO), the Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research (NWO), SRON, and Airbus DS NL.

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