SPEXone Housekeeping


The relevant housekeeping parameters for stability of the SPEXone instrument are listed in the Table below. The reports of these parameters are generated from PACE HKT products. These products contain the instrument telemetry sampled at 1 Hz, which are averaged over 30 seconds for the daily plots and averaged over a full orbit in the trend plots. The mean value is shown as a purple line and the range between the minimum and maximum as a grey band.s.

Description Units Nominal Lower limit Upper limit
TS1_DEM_N_T C 18.33 18.25 18.41
TS2_HOUSING_N_T C 19.61 19.55 19.67
TS3_RADIATOR_N_T C 0.5 -1.9 1.6
TS4_DEM_R_T C 17.9 17.65 18.0
TS5_HOUSING_R_T C 19.3 19.05 19.55
TS6_RADIATOR_R_T C 0.6 -1.9 1.6
Heater 2 power W 3.5 3 4.5
Heater 3 power W 4.25 3.5 4.5 (7)
Detector temperature C 21 19 22
ICU DIGV C 32 31 33
ICU heater-group 1 C 46 45 47
ICU heater-group 2 C 43 42 44
ICU MCU-RAM C 34 33 35
ICU midboard C 33.5 32.5 34
DEM supply mA 495 430 510
ICU 1.2V bus mA 167.5 165 170
ICU 3.3V bus mA 175 165 190
ICU 4V bus mA 210 200 235
ICU 5V bus mA 485 435 500
DEM supply V 4.77 4.76 4.81
ICU 1.2V bus V 1.245
ICU 3.3V bus V 3.269 3.268 3.270
ICU 4V bus V 3.905 3.89 3.915
ICU 5V bus V 4.855 4.845 4.88


SPEXone is being developed by a Dutch consortium consisting of SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research (SRON) and Airbus Defence and Space Netherlands (Airbus DS NL), supported by optical expertise from the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO). SRON and Airbus DS NL are responsible for the design, manufacturing and testing of the instrument. The scientific lead is in the hands of SRON. SPEXone is a public-private initiative funded by the Netherlands Space Office (NSO), the Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research (NWO), SRON, and Airbus DS NL.

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