The detector pixel quality indicates the expected signal quality, expressed as a value in the range 0 to 1. The dynamic pixel quality is determined from several (static and dynamic) tests. The static tests of the pixel quality algorithm were applied to on-ground measurements. The dynamic tests use in-flight dark-flux and noise data. Two versions of the pixel quality are given, which should have negligible differences.

  • Official – Nominal version, pixel quality is derived using dynamic dark-flux and background noise, derived with ICM & L01b processor.
  • Beta-nominal – Development version, pixel quality is derived from beta-nominal dark-flux and biweight background noise.

The quality of a pixel is indicated as:

  • unusable: pixels outside the illuminated region
  • worst: 0 <= value < 0.1
  • bad: 0 <= value < 0.8
  • good: value >= 0.8


TROPOMI is a collaboration between Airbus Defence and Space Netherlands, KNMI, SRON and TNO, on behalf of NSO and ESA. Airbus Defence and Space Netherlands is the main contractor for the design, building and testing of the instrument. KNMI and SRON are the principal investigator institutes for the instrument. TROPOMI is funded by the following ministries of the Dutch government: the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, and the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment.

Other websites on TROPOMI and Sentinel-5 Precursor:

Netherlands Space Office
Airbus Defence and Space

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